Whenever I get a chance to see the work of Edward Weston my calendar gets an entry added. He is one of my favorite photographers and one of the all time greatest photographers. There is a nice show of his work currently at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, California. It is a large show, around fifty photographs. The beauty of his Pepper image never ceases to amaze me. It was a multi-hour exposure because it was shot with an 8 X 10 camera at a very small aperture. It is one of the most famous image in the history of photography. Weston was friends with Ansel Adams and had a very lively correspondence over the years. I would love to go back in time and listen to them talk about art.
STARK BEAUTY: THE PHOTOGRAPHY OF EDWARD WESTON runs through September 17, 2017 so you had better hurry. Unfortunately I have no images from the exhibit, photography was not allowed. Upon close inspection I noticed that a number of the prints had handling or processing blemishes. Don't let this lessen the enjoyment of the show. I have seen a lot of damaged Weston prints over the years. I wish I had purchased a PEPPER print in high school when I had the chance. It would make a nice retirement nest egg!