The Leica Owners’ Area at the Leica web site has been updated. If you already have an account all that is needed is to request a password reset. For new members it is the standard signup.
The Leica Owners’ Area is where equipment is registered. If you have older equipment the serial numbers can be stored here as well. If you purchased products that have other benefits available that information will be listed here. With some cameras a trial membership for Adobe products will be listed here. Also information for the free one year digital membership with the LHSA can be found here.
It would be nice if links to the downloads for the firmware and manuals of the products that you own would be listed here as a bonus for registering. It would be nice if it turned into a concierge service for Leica owners. Maybe a note from the Chairman of Leica Mr. Kaufmann. How about information about your Leica based on its serial number with info like date of manufacture.